If Your Freedom Is on the Line, Trusted Houston Criminal Attorney Sara Richey Will Fight for You.

Sara is here to defend you as though her own freedom is on the line, and will fight tirelessly to stop a guilty verdict.  Get a free consultation by calling  713-636-9931 today.  We’ll review your situation, explain your options and counsel you on the best course of action.

Sara Has a Winning Record

Sara is known to be an aggressive lawyer with a winning criminal defense record.  With her experience, she knows what to anticipate, what will help most, and will find the best of action to defend you.

You’ll Be at Ease with The Richey Law Firm

Sara takes the time to fully convey your options.  She’ll help you understand the nuances of your case and each step of the legal process.  Sara is passionate about your freedom, and that starts with you being at ease.

Call Us Today:

Time is of the essence. Call for your free legal consultation today.

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